In 2018 I travelled thousands of miles in a camper-van to document the countries of the European Union on the eve of Britain’s departure. This is a collection of blog articles chronicling the people and places I encountered on my travels.
NOTE: This blog was migrated to here from a different platform for posterity. Whilst the posts themselves retained their formatting, the navigation sadly did not.
Vardø II – The Damned, The Possessed and The Beloved
On a desolate windswept clifftop in Vardo lies the Steilneset Memorial, a commemoration of the 91 people tried and executed for witchcraft in 1621.
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My spider senses are tingling as I pull into Vardø. I can’t quite put my finger on it but something ain’t right. Maybe we’re just that bit nearer to Russia or maybe it’s the 10,000 ft tunnel that separates Vardø from the mainland that makes things feel a little … isolated …
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Utsjoki – The outer edge of the EU
Utsjoki is the most northern municipality in Finland, making it the absolute outer edge of the European Union. The mighty Tana, a 250 mile long river that snakes through both Finland and Norway emptying (eventually) into the Barents Sea, forms the backbone of this tiny village…
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